Friday, August 14, 2015


I haven't been good on updating the blog but I vow to do better!!

Wednesday my baby girl turned 3 weeks old, I remember waiting for her to come and thinking the day would never come and I was going to be pregnant forever! Time has flown by and it's so crazy how much she has already changed!
A couple things about miss Scarlett
*She makes little noises as she sleeps
*Her noise sounds like a little piggy
*Her cry is so soft you can hardly hear it
*She weighs 7 lb and 4 ounces 23 in long
*She loves baths
*She loves her purple binky
*She has so much hair!
*She has lighter eyes right now
*She sleeps threw the night
*She has monkey toes
*she has long fingers
*short eyelashes no eyebrows
*She has REM ( restless eye movement)
*She listens to everything
*She is very alert
*She loves being awake during the day
*She knows her name
*She holds her own binky in her mouth
*She loves holding her head up during tummy time.
*She smiles while she sleeps
*She gets hiccups 3-5 times a day
*She yawns 24/7
*She hates when her diaper is a mess
*She HATES the cold
*She loves to snuggle
*She loves to be held
*She has baby allergies
*She smells amazing!
*She loves music
*She loves to lay in her tummy
*She loves derricks voice
Those are a few things about are miss Scarlett!